Portal de Caravaca de la Cruz


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The XXXIV edition of the Festival of the crews meet in Barranda to 12 groups of traditional music (19/01/2012)

The Feast of Barranda crews, declared of National Tourist Interest, meet on January 29 twelve traditional music groups arrived in four provinces.

Among these bands have confirmed their participation, pandas and rounds from Málaga, Albacete, Murcia municipalities like Castellón and Lorca, Aledo and Eagles.

The festival has been presented this morning at the Ministry of Tourism and Culture by the mayor, Domingo Aranda, the director general of Cultural Property, Francisco Giménez, and Aguilanderos president, Carlos Salcedo, who have referred to the crews Barranda as an indisputable leader of our country in the field of music of oral tradition.

The XXXVI edition of the Festival of the crews will keep the previous scheme with the prior conclusion of the Conference on Culture and Oral Tradition Folk Festival Barranda.

The program also includes the Rural Traditions II Market, where artisans will gather Murcia and other parts of Spain.

The Folk Barranda start on Friday January 27 with performances alhameño group "Malvariche" that will feature his new album "25 years is nothing."

The festival will continue on Saturday, January 28, with performances of "Manuel Luna and his gang maquila" and verdiales Baños del Carmen Malaga.

The Museum of Ethnic Music and the Virgen de la Candelaria school will be the headquarters of the Days of Culture of Oral Tradition, including the X course "Folklore and School," a recital by the musicologist Carlos Blanco Fadol, presentation of book "The mood in Spanish folk tale" and the workshop "Cuentoterapia" Lorenzo Hernandez, among others.

Since 1979, coinciding with the feast of the Candelaria, the patroness of Barranda, the last Sunday of January occurs the Feast of the crews, the day that brings together pandas, music rounds and crews of Spanish oral tradition of the southeast.

The party was declared of National Tourist Interest in January last year and has become one of the oldest cultural events of its kind and most important of all those made in Spain.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz

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