Caravaca IU-Green presented an initiative for the council to publish the e-government program and timetable for implementation thereof, as provided by law for a Sustainable Economy.
Councilman IU-Green in the town, John Berbell, explained that the proposed rule specifies that within six months local authorities must approve and publish the programs put in place in relation to eGovernment.
Berbell noted that the municipality is implementing, under this program, the so-called "public folder", but not yet released the schedule of the initiative, the supply of services and the impact it will have on the administrative fees charged to citizenship.
Therefore, the mayor of left-wing organization has asked the council to explain all the services we offer is scheduled to neighbors and accurate planning of implementation which is scheduled for this term.
He also claimed in his motion a plan to adapt municipal taxes under the Ordinance for Issuance of Documents, to be exempted from payment those procedures related to citizen communication through the electronic platform.
It has asked the government team that details the plan for adapting human resources plans, once the implementation of eGovernment reduce the workload of the administrative sector.
Source: IURM