City of Caravaca, Caravaca UPyD Local Council |
The reason why our City Council and Spokesman, Miguel Sanchez Lopez, arrived 17 minutes late at the Extraordinary Plenary called unilaterally by the Mayor-President of the Municipal Corporation on 8 March at 19.30.
first term and 20.30 h.
once heard the arguments of our councilman, is none other than well himself Miguel Sanchez pointed out the coincidence in date and time of the Annual General Meeting of the Tosquillas Irrigation which is a lawyer and legal representative, convened the meeting long before the Full Council through publication in the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia (BORM).
To say that the councilor own UPyD in Planning Commission and Board of Spokesmen regular plenary prior to the month of February 2012, and inform both Mr. Mayor-President, Councillor of Urban himself and Lt.
Mayor, Salvador Gomez, as the Secretary General of the City that it was physically impossible to be in this House Special by coincidence on both dates, reaching UPyD Councilman Caravaca to request a change of date hereof, including the removal of the Order of the Day February full motion that his group had to Municipal Main Street.
Not being heard at his request, the House was established by the target date of March 8 at 20.30 h., Stating that those present would arrive 10-15 minutes late to the House.
We also express our discomfort, the "occult" and "silence" that the Mayor-President made during the delay of our council, knowing that our council was in a Board of Irrigators with over 400 landowners and would be a little later for the information of those present at the Plenary Hall and the many viewers that through Telecaravaca were witnessing the same.
Finally we show that we disagree with what is written by the correspondent of the newspaper La Verdad, Juan Fernandez Robles in his article of Friday 9 March where a brief and inconciso article about the House the previous day and which suggests that the most notorious it was the delay UPyD councilor for 25 minutes, without clear reason, and leaving our councilor and spokesperson as a person unpunctual.
In the interests of the people of Caravaca and their citizens know the truth about what happened, UPyD Caravaca has been forced to issue this statement.
Caravaca de la Cruz, March 12, 2012.
Local council UPyD Caravaca.
Source: UPyD Caravaca de la Cruz