Murcia Association of Consumers and Users, CONSUMUR, has managed, through the Municipal Office of Consumer Information managed in Caravaca de la Cruz, the company Mediasalud TV Group, SLU, return the amount charged to a consumer who canceled the purchase the same day.
APF went to the Municipal Office of Consumer Information in Caravaca de la Cruz last February, after waiting eight months to reach an agreement with the company claimed, consisting in the reimbursement agreement the amount paid for the purchase of a treadmill and a set of disks that overturned on the same day.
The claimant in June 2011, attended a briefing organized by the company Mediasalud TV Group, SLU, to publicize their products.
At this meeting APF purchased a treadmill and a set of disks for an amount of 85.00 euros in reserve.
In the course of the meeting the claimant proceeded to cancel the booking.
The request was not processed, not the same never having been in possession of the claimant.
From June 2011 to February 2012, the date on which the consumer went to the OMIC, the company claimed was the return of the quantity supplied in confidence, without having obtained a satisfactory response.
Thus, APF filed a claim requesting a refund of 85.00 euros delivered as a reserve.
Subsequently, the company claimed sent a letter in which it expressed its willingness to provide the amount requested, not having refused at any time and having requested an account number to the complainant.
Finally, we proceeded to the payment of 85.00 euros.
CONSUMUR encourages consumers and / or users, as the case of APF, consider that their rights have been violated or wish to receive more information, go to the Association.
The consumer and / or user may receive more information by going to the association, from 10.00 to 14.00, Monday to Friday and from 17.00 to 19.00 on Mondays and Tuesdays, as well as through its Virtual Office (www. available to consumers and users 24 hours a day.
You can also request information by calling the Consumer Information and User: 968 22 30 82.