This decision is in aversion to the very serious action taken by the PP government team not to include their motions in plenary as well as the fragrant irregularity to convene Commissions and the Plenary itself.
In a press conference where the speaker and Caravaca UPyD councilor, Miguel Sanchez has been "wrapped" by several members of the Local Executive of the party, has made known its position and the group that represents to the serious extent by part of the government team not to include in the Agenda for the Ordinary Plenary of May, none of the motions filed in a timely manner by the Municipal Group UPyD.
Miguel Sanchez explained and demonstrated the continuing "irregularities" that are committed when the calls to both Committees, Board of Spokespersons and what is even worse for themselves Plenary Hall.
He recalled the two motions excluded from the plenary session tonight, one on the abolition of the Blue Zone in Garden City and surrounding areas and review of the current rate of the ORA and the other on measures to support local small and medium business, and a third one was a proposed joint motion to support the writing of the Bar Association of the Region of Murcia who came to defend the current judicial district planning and in defense of the district of Caravaca.
In words very "hard" has referred to the ability of the PP government team, charged them the way they govern and act, even the media has taught attendees the "embarrassing" poster placed ORA days ago in Catalan in Garden City itself, implying that if the government team in little things like this, does not know, it is normal that the most important things as the subject JV, the caravaqueños suffer in their flesh the bad of these managers city.
To end with a "if you want respect, starting with respect themselves.
Source: UPyD Caravaca de la Cruz