Portal de Caravaca de la Cruz


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Caravaca Guild Hall celebrates its first and Festero from 23 to 25 November (16/11/2012)

The program includes a concert hall to benefit the chapel Lorca White Pass and a festival in charge of 14 musical groups

On days 23, 24 and November 25 will be held at the Fairgrounds I Cavila the Guild Hall and Festero of Caravaca de la Cruz (SACOFES), an event that is expected to attend over 40 exhibitors commercial firms, artisans, musical groups and artists associated with Easter and festivals.

Celebrations Councilman Jose Francisco Garcia, has reported that this first edition of the show is enjoying great acceptance, exceeding initial expectations, and reiterated the support of the City of Caravaca this initiative arising from the Caliph Caballista Peña Cultural Association .

The program of events at the fair will start on Saturday, November 25, from 12:00 a gastronomic activity called "Cover Festera".

In the afternoon, at 18.30, takes place the first concert, by the musical group White Pass Bitterness of Lorca.

Admission is 3 euros and proceeds will go entirely aimed at the reconstruction of the Chapel of the Rosary (home of the White Pass), severely damaged by the earthquake in Lorca.

On Sunday, November 26, from 10.00 to 18.30 there will be a concentration and band festival of Easter with the participation of groups Nuestro Padre Jesus (Bullas), Precious Blood of Christ (Bullas), San Juan Evangelista ( Bullas), Our Lady of Sorrows (Bullas), San Pedro (Eagles), Our Lady of Sorrows (Eagles), Cristo de la Sangre (Lorca), Our Father Jesus (Bid), Cristo de la Misericordia (Jumilla), The Cigarralero (Mula), Holy Sepulchre (Cehegín), Our Lady of Sorrows (Cehegín) and San Juan Evangelista (Calasparra).

The entrance will be 1 euro and, in this case, all of the proceeds going to the renovation of the chapel of Santa Elena de Caravaca.

The Guild Hall and I Festero of Caravaca is organized by the Cultural Association Peña Caliph, with the collaboration of the Department of Celebration Caravaca City Council, the Board of Holy Week Brotherhoods of Caravaca, the Brotherhood of the Vera Cruz and the Gang Our Lady of Sorrows of Cehegín.

All information relating to the event participants and activities is available on the www.sacofes.es.

In the presentation of the room, held today in the city of Caravaca, participated the council of Celebration, Jose Francisco Garcia, the vicar of area, Jesus Aguilar, the president of the Association of Guilds of Easter, M ª Carmen Lopez, President White Pass Lorca, Juan Andrés Ibáñez and the president of the Cultural Association Hall Caliph and coordinator, Fernando Sanchez.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz

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