The new animated documentary on the site caravaqueño of "The Black Cave", located on the Strait Historic Site The Incarnation, presented this Wednesday, December 19, at 20.00 in the theater Thuillier.
Access to this projection, which is recommended for all ages, will be free.
The Department of Culture of the City of Caravaca de la Cruz and the Integra Foundation will accompany the screening of a short documentary about this important symposium archaeological site, with the participation of the teacher in charge of directing the excavations in "The Black Cave" Michael Walker, and the head of the Cultural Heritage of the Autonomous Community, Miguel St. Nicholas.
"The Black Cave" is part of the historical documentary series produced by the Integra Foundation.
The film, made by digital animation, recreates the Straits Quípar River, in the hamlet of La Encarnación caravaqueña, where is located the paleontological site of La Cueva Negra, whose discoveries have provided the scientific basis for the development of this work audiovisual.
During his 30-minute film, "The Black Cave" describes the way of life of the Pre-Neanderthal man and shows how it was the habitat of the area, which revealed the presence of large lakes and wildlife species now extinct.
The documentary was released last October in the Murcia Regional Film Archive and is now projected in the theater of Caravaca Thuillier to all interested persons to discover how lifestyle was nearly a million years in this important enclave of the municipality.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz