Municipal Socialist Group]
From the Municipal Socialist Group, we summarize a year and take stock of the past year, in 2012, a difficult year goodbye now, especially the scourge of the economic crisis and the scourge of the unstoppable rise in unemployment.
Caravaca Specifically we have a total of nearly 3,000 enrolled in the ranks of the unemployed, about 400 more than last year.
As far as our training is concerned, since last July we have a new Local Executive, whose Secretary / a General in the lead, Antonio Donate, has worked closely with the Municipal Socialist Party councilors, to go enriching the many initiatives that have been embodied throughout the year that we fired, trying to get the big ideas that move us the benefit of the citizens of Caravaca should be and are the recipients of our work.
Regarding our work, from the socialist ranks, we have tried to make a serious and forceful opposition at a time, which has dominated our line contribution of initiatives and proposals on the one hand, and on the other, we have denounced the municipal mismanagement requests for clear explanation is provided to the groups and citizens and to take responsibility, namely the mayor, who clearly is being overwhelmed by the problems inherited from the great fiascos in which the City Council has gotten, like the UTE .
For this we ask in this respect and nothing knowing the final judgment, which constituted a special Information Commission to investigate all matters relating to the disaster of the UTE Caravaca and the football field, Commission is underway, in which we are working, and we hope you delimit the corresponding responsibilities.
We will not allow is a mere stooge.
Specifically, for the conviction of the UTE Caravaca, City Hall in the end will pay nearly 9 million euros, in addition to the City's financial debt.
Thus, we come to the end of 2012 owing to banks 34 million euros, which represents 1,300 euros / inhabitant over 3 million dedicated to amortization and interest, which leave almost no room to service the caravaqueños, especially in the times.
Therefore, we find a weighted budgets for 2013, supported by the sharp rise in IBI (over 10%), in which municipal officials have not made a real effort, whatsoever, to reduce costs that can and should do without.
So we have to ask us to stop (and pay) rented premises, such as the local police, who can move very well where it was before, you have to minimize the huge spending holiday lighting, must be eliminate bonuses, etc., especially for basic infrastructure arrangements and employment promotion.
Special mention deserves the status of Caravaca Jubilee Society, although it has to go, because the autonomous region has left without resources to extinguish, the Mayor insists on keeping it artificially with a ridiculous starting city of 150,000 euros, where the company coming needing more than one million euros every year.
All this, without the mayor has brought nothing quite like a Viability Plan, with little tourism, that you have been asking relentlessly, and whose management plagued by irregularities, lack of transparency shines, so we exploring possible societal responsibilities you may have incurred the Mayor.
Therefore, to follow and do not know what will happen to the Agreement with Brotherhood and if we meet again, with a debt auction unattainable and the Museum of the Feast.
Regret, too, that can disappear the Feast of Barranda crews, due to lack of financial support.
We expect a major effort of the City, with the necessary steps to prevent this from happening.
On the other hand, regarding the "pitch" caused the reclassification process of Roblecillo farm, according to the news of what is being investigated, we expect the Court will clarify, to the end, the treatment by the City to Golden Sky and Librilla frames and Aledo.
We also consider the previous primary responsibility Town Planning, currently Director General of the Environment and we will ask the assistance to the City Council in open judicial proceedings in the Magistrate's Court No. 6 of Murcia, and the creation of a Special Committee Municipal Research.
As if this were not enough, as already announced, the City faces two Contentious made by one of the companies that competed at the Auditorium project, litigation that is based primarily on the enormous height of the selected building, contrary to provisions of PGMO, which would leave it running on a difficult exit alley and could be the last straw for the City Council, if convicted again, something we do not want.
Meanwhile the Autonomous comes to give reason to GMSocialista, before the crisis, with a further delay in the funding of the Auditorium, so in the best case, the chance of success in court trance, not works be completed before 2020.
We believe that Mr. Gomez, Councilman Works and Services, has made a bad management of it, so we asked again to stop the work once and for all, cite to the contractor and we also meet groups politicians, with all data, to study what can be done with this crazy project, which we have criticized from the start.
In another vein, we regret not to have done nothing to improve the c / Miguel Espinosa, the Hospital, arguably the worst state of the village, as we have been denouncing.
We also regret that before the flooding problem in this and other nearby areas, with flooding the network with the rains, the PP government team did not take into consideration any initiatives presented by the PSOE, while recognizing Mr . Gomez this problem so evident.
Continue to insist throughout 2013 in preparation of a Comprehensive Plan of the Municipality Infrastructure that includes the problem of rain.
On the other hand, we are still waiting to know what to do with garbage service and street cleaning.
The contract with CESPA expired over a year ago and legally can not be extended so long, so from here denounce this situation.
Either way we are going to ask, and that is put on the table this matter and to consider the model for the City of Caravaca directly involved in service management.
In the defense and recovery of traditional trade, we filed a motion, which explain in more detail so as to enhance and recover the true essence of the craft market on Sundays, so that in no case relocating the Old Town; the resumption of efforts to avoid the complete disappearance of traditional trade and adjacent Main Street, as approved in joint motion of all local political groups, and in particular, to relocate the weekly market in part or in the vicinity of Main Street.
For this, we propose the creation of a Municipal Council for Trade and Development Plan traditional trade agree with all sectors involved.
Speaking of tradition, in terms of our parishes, the Municipal Group has been presenting initiatives in defense of our extensive and valuable rural areas, particularly in the agricultural sector.
Specifically, all the years we have been presenting, albeit unsuccessfully, amendments to the regional budgets to create items of "lamb segureño aid, with particular reference to the implementation of the IGP".
Also, every year we present the Full Council of Caravaca initiatives to provide items of "repair, servicing and maintenance of Rural Roads" and "improvement of infrastructure in districts", though with little success, items to which This year the contribution is ridiculous (12,000 and 20,000 euros respectively).
Ended in 2013 hoping that we see some signs of recovery do not lose hope as many young and unemployed families.
Best wishes to all residents of Caravaca and especially for families in the current circumstances are faring worse.
Happy 2013.
Source: PSOE Caravaca de la Cruz