On Monday March 4 municipal plenary took place in the month of February.
In the same and after almost two years of work as municipal group, finally got to us was passed one of the motions that we debate this session: the placing on the information boards in English in various public spaces, monuments and places of the town of Caravaca.
During the celebration of the plenary, approved various amendments relating to urban New from Caravaca neighborhood and other updates within the same subject.
In this regard we must emphasize the local team's proposal regarding the amendment of the municipal ordinance regulating farms, regarding minimum distances health and safety with respect to urban centers, farms hotel, cottages and homes.
This motion was rejected by the full UPyD Municipal Group, and the other opposition groups, was approved by an absolute majority for the PP government team, despite the discomfort created among those affected (some of them present in Plenary Hall).
The first motion in this House by the Speaker and UPyD councilor, Miguel Sanchez, was on the addendum or amendment of citizen security agreement signed by the City and the CCAA and that will mean to the city coffers negligible figure of 2.5 million euros, which will face the municipal institution until 2020, the date of completion of the new agreement signed by both parties.
The motion of censure was rejected by the Municipal incomprehensibly PP, given the large debt that the agreement will mean for the ailing economy of the City.
The motion was supported by IU and PSOE.
The climax and the joy of the evening came after the filing of the second motion of UPyD, note that the motion was that we had a 35th plenary since the beginning of the term, versando it on something that for many years the people needed Caravaca resort, which is nothing more than putting up information alongside existing Castilian in English, by nature of international language par excellence.
After exposure of our spokesperson and other spokespersons, bystanders live a moment for the history, the unanimous approval (of all groups that make up the full City) of the motion.
With the joy contained, was terminated UPyD Parliament that will not forget.
Possibly the beginning of a new way of doing and understanding politics in this city.
Source: UPyD Caravaca de la Cruz