Fernando and Alfonso Sánchez Romera: We emphasize, from the points discussed, approval by all political groups of the Joint Motion and opening protection of Mother Carmelite Monastery, which has agreed to urge the General Directorate of Cultural of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism:
They inspect the convent and church building, to detail their conservation status and require the business owner to take over the obligations, with imposition of penalties and injunctive relief as appropriate.
It certifies that the catalog pieces are in place, their conservation status and which ones are missing, with the adoption in the case of appropriate measures for restitution.
It forces the owner to allow public visit at least four days a month, in days and hours previously mentioned, all as provided in the Cultural Heritage Act of Murcia.
However, given the inaction that has demonstrated the government team, from the socialist ranks already sent a letter to the Ministry of Culture in late last February asking the same thing has now been agreed in plenary.
As we could see, and there is a case brought by the Directorate General of Cultural Assets, pending the visit and inspection of the building of the Convent and Church by their technicians.
We have also requested a meeting with the Director General of Cultural Assets to deal personally and in detail the writings we have sent to the same Directorate General, with specific requests in the face of urgent measures to prevent deterioration of that building and their belongings, so as not to delay the public opening of the Convent of the Carmelite Nuns.
We also want to treat of taking appropriate measures for the effective protection of existing fields in the environment Paper Mills, seriously threatened in their protection and conservation, together with the extension of the Gran Vía, cater specifically to the site is a priority which is on the site of Transportation Park and the remains of the old abandoned paper mills, put in value, allowing the public visit and promote its tourist attractions.
We will also ask the CEO said that the Legal Services of the Department analyzed the fate of the mortgage on the building of the Convent, of nearly 1,200,000 euros, which was awarded the Institute for the Promotion of company owner, Parador del Convento SL, given that the said company has not invested a single euro in the building, even in its conservation, as it is required.
Source: PSOE Caravaca de la Cruz