The Department of Youth and Employment of the City of Caravaca de la Cruz, with the collaboration of the Cooperative Union of the Region of Murcia (UCOMUR), have launched the "Undertaking", aimed at providing advice, training and tools to caravaqueños youth who want to realize a business idea.
In the Local Employment Centre Youth have selected a total of 13 projects, of one or more developers to participate in this program to promote self-employment.
These youth initiatives aim at implementing the most part belong to the sector of retail, hospitality and selling products and services online.
The planned, supervised by a team of technical specialists in the field, try to guide the entrepreneur to give the proper steps, promoting a culture of efficient business management and avoiding common mistakes that often occur when you start a business.
After the first phase of the program, namely the selection of potentially viable projects, in the coming weeks will analyze specific aspects, both in group meetings and in individual tutorials.
The third and final phase will focus on the launch of the company.
The program ranges from the support in the procedures for setting up counseling, search assistance, subsidies and monitoring in the first months of operation.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz