The Commission on Education of Caravaca de la Cruz, composed of the headmasters, inspectors and representatives of the Department of Education, parents and Early Care Team have today held a meeting to discuss the list of provisional allotment of seats for the next academic year.
The committee has studied the provisional allotments, checking that there are fewer applications for new school enrollment compared to last year and now the education offered by the different centers would be sufficient to cover all applications.
For the next school year there have been a total of 218 applications for enrollment in urban centers, 57 less than last year.
Also, members of this body have analyzed claims by parents, who request that their children are studying in schools "Holy Cross" and "Basil Sáez".
In this sense, the education inspector has stated that the Commission Schooling is mainly responsible to ensure that all students have secured the right to study in a public school and is not competent to decide the final distribution of students, but is a measure that depends on the School Planning Service.
After studying the provisional allotments, the commission and the mayor moved to the School Planning the claims of parents for assessing the situation and make decisions that achieve reconcile interests.
At present award lists are provisional until the September School Planning service can take the decisions it deems appropriate to ensure the enrollment of all children and proper operation of all schools in the municipality.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz