The City of Caravaca de la Cruz and the Institute for the Promotion of the Region of Murcia have scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday May 22, a day of presentation of the new aid Reindustrialisation, Promoting Competitiveness and corporate relocations against the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism.
The briefing will begin at 19:30 pm in the Municipal Center for Employment, Training and Equality, located next to the garden of The Cejo.
The talk is aimed at all township entrepreneurs who manage private corporations and are planning an investment project.
In the same part Caravaca mayor, the director of the Institute of Development and head of the Institute of Development Financing in the Region of Murcia.
The Councillor for Employment, Salvador Gomez, explained that the aim of the activity is that "entrepreneurs know firsthand caravaqueños aid and have the support of INFO to defend their projects to the Ministry of Industry and choose well to aid financial, as this may result in an improvement in the competitiveness of local businesses and job creation. "
The Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism has called for aid to boost the industry and is still contributing significantly to the generation of gross domestic product (GDP).
The "Reindus" provides financial support to investment lending long-term, through two lines of action: Reindustrialisation Program (fund performances creation, expansion and / or relocation of industrial facilities) and Programme Development of Industrial Competitiveness (support the implementation of plans to improve the competitiveness of industrial enterprises).
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz