These vehicles have been removed from the street by the local police and deemed disposal or sale could have been carried illegally.
As is clear, this figure refers to vehicles produced disposals from May, 2012 to date, while waiting for more data from the year 2005 as since then has not occurred in any income municipal coffers for this item, nor has it been followed proper procedure.
In that report it appears that the abuse of functions of those responsible for the custody of the vehicle impound, may constitute gross misconduct of Article 38.3 of the Law on Local Police coordination of the Region of Murcia.
Given the seriousness of the facts alleged, we propose will take immediate action as indicated in the report, with special reference "to the opening of disciplinary proceedings, or at least preliminary steps to debug potential liabilities in the responsible officials" .
Also, "if you appreciate evidence of the commission of a crime in the development of that pre-trial proceedings or proceed to providing immediate notification to the Public Prosecutor ...".
Since today has not initiated any proceedings the alleged perpetrators, and since the actual number of irregularly disposed vehicles could be much higher than the above figure, failing to have the register of incoming and outgoing vehicles impound since 2005, we believe that the most obvious is that it has been clear cause damage both to certain vehicle owners as to their own municipal coffers, missing the principles of advertising and competition, attributing the officials responsible competence that is not theirs, what could also be punctuated understand himself no government team tackled this in a clear and immediate.
We therefore propose, the Plenary Council the following Agreement:
"Urge the Local Government to the opening of disciplinary proceedings, or at least preliminary steps to debug potential liabilities in the appropriate officials and proceed immediately to the Public Prosecutor account of these facts, at the slightest hint of infringement criminal. "
Source: PSOE Caravaca de la Cruz