Until the 31st of this month of October is open the application deadline for the scholarships awarded by the Foundation Alfami.
The study aids for the academic year 2013/2014 are for students of primary, secondary, college, vocational and specialized education.
Application forms and information about the financial and academic requirements are available from the General Register of the City of Caravaca de la Cruz.
Basic education students are eligible for help from 90 euros, the post-compulsory education for 200 euros and 700 euros college.
For the award of these scholarships, the Trustees who runs the foundation will consider both family economic situation as the record and academic merit.
The fundamental purpose of the Foundation Alfami as expressly provided their statutes and faithfully following the will of the founder, Alfonso López Álvarez, expressed in his will, is to "give birth to privileged intelligences obscured by the lack of economic means through grants to facilitate completion of their studies. "
Alfami Foundation awarded last year a total of 111 scholarships, worth a total of 29,152 euros.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz