The Christian Side of Caravaca de la Cruz, in an extraordinary Board meeting held on January 22, 2014, as chosen by acclamation Infantes de Castilla for Christmas of 2014 Vera Cruz children Javier García García and Clara la Cruz García Pérez.
Javier Garcia is 8 years old and studying at the Third Primary CEIP La Santa Cruz.
His hobbies are football, basketball and mountain walks.
In the festive plane, his first holiday parade in 2007 with the group Masters of Calatrava, and his parents, Joseph and Juani, were founders of the group Almogávares Aragon in 1991.
Many family members are linked to different Christian groups, particularly to the Ladies of Navarra and the Masters of Calatrava.
In addition, Javier is component with the grooms parents Cartujano rock.
The horse mounted at parties belongs to the stable of 'The Caravacón'.
Javier is happy with this appointment and enjoy waiting representing this role at the head of all children in the Christian faction.
Clara García de la Cruz also has 8 years like Javier Tercero Primary studies on the CEIP La Santa Cruz.
Her hobbies are dancing and modern dance and horseback riding.
In the festive environment, Clara has walked with Abu Ceyt Ceyt Almoravids and Kabyle, marching today with the Christian group Damas Templar.
It is also, like their parents, the grooms component Cartujano rock.
His father paraded with Cábila Almoravids and mother with female Cábila Ceyt Abu Ceyt, and both are founding members of the Carthusian rock.
The horse mount the Infanta of Castile in the upcoming festivities, named writer, belongs to the stud farm of his uncle and godfather Enrique García, which in turn holds the appointment of Caballista the Year 2014.
Clara says he is very proud of its role as Infanta of Castile and represent all children in the Christian faction, which housed an illusion for some time and has become a reality thanks to the enthusiasm of his parents and all his family.
Source: Bando Cristiano