The deficiencies in the provision of waste collection and street cleaning have increased without the City of Caravaca take any action.
Fernando and Alfonso Sánchez Romera.
01/29/2013. - In December 2000 the City of Caravaca, which until then had directly and fairly well managed service, awarded the company URBAN ENGINEERING (CESPA FERROVIAL) the home garbage collection and street cleaning, for within 10 years met in November 2010.
Although the contract has expired CESPA from said date more than 3 years ago,
and although this Municipal Group has been reporting since then, the fact is that the team of the Popular Party government has kept unreasonably during those over 3 years to get this company without notice or recover the service, giving in an irregular and fraudulent situation, so they will put from the socialist ranks immediately inform the Court of Auditors the deficiency for this body to act.
So what we want to denounce publicly, after the plenary on Tuesday, the PP reject entering the debate on our emergency motion to resolve this situation as soon as possible.
They have shown that is not supported in any way we are with a contract up for which we are paying for poor service and expensive for what they have offered comparative data of the average cost of all municipalities as reported by public sector auditing Home of the year 2011 prepared by the Court of Auditors, in which it is concluded that: "As for the service solid waste collection, the average cost per capita for all Spanish municipalities was 48.76 euros . direct service management is cheaper to the public purse that the grant. thus direct management had an average cost of 42.55 euros and 53.90 euros grant per capita. "
In the Municipality of Caravaca, currently the per capita cost of garbage collection is 61.4 euros / year (not including street cleaning and the contribution to the Consortium), which can be seen as it is well above the average.
"We are 45% above the average cost of the municipalities that directly manage the service and 14% more than they do by granting private companies" have said, "and at the same time gaps in service provision garbage collection and street cleaning have been increasing without equipment PP government take any action, or supervise the management, compounded by the fact that it is irregularly keeping a company that is offering a service much more expensive the average cost of other municipalities. "
Also, have complained that it has not given them the legal report on the status of the contract with CESPA who applied from GMSocialista almost two months ago and that the City is obligated by law to issue, through the Secretary or municipal auditor, demonstrating a desperate attempt by the Mayor of this whole murky affair not come to light.
Finally they called for the resignation of Councillor of the area, Salvador Gomez, for their obvious incompetence and promote blatant and unlawfully the company CESPA prejudice caravaqueños while have warned Mr. Gomez will study the legal action to be taken considered against this situation is judged.
Source: PSOE Caravaca de la Cruz