Portal de Caravaca de la Cruz


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Miguel Sánchez (UPyD): "Mayor Domingo Aranda and President Valcárcel are the heads to drop in private hands speculative Carmelite Convent Mothers of Caravaca" (26/02/2014)

In the past regular plenary spokesman UPyD and Councilman Miguel Sánchez, made clear the government team and the mayor of Caravaca, Domingo Aranda, what really happened on the controversial issue of plundering and looting of the Convent of the Mothers Carmelites.

The local ruler was forced to assume full responsibility in such a nasty business

Miguel Sánchez López, in his speaking time to defend the motion UPyD presented to plenary on past, present and future of the Convent-Carmelite Monastery Mothers of Caravaca, a real battery offered information about what happened in the so-called sale this property declared BIC (Well of Cultural Interest), labeling her "sell on deck", which drew directly Domingo Aranda, and President Valcárcel "being the heads to drop in private hands this historic property speculators."

Councilman magenta training, Miguel Sanchez, made mention of a letter from the local historian, Diego Marín Ruiz de Assin person deserved prestige in matters of heritage, which "put the finger on how the City and the Murcia CCAA not entered his day to retract when the nuns put on sale this important BIC ".

Also brought out "the plundering and looting that has occurred in the Convent" principally in the Church of San José annexed to the monastery, showed photographs where doors almost two meters high have disappeared, and countless works of much value "They have been literally torn from the altars and even all the trumpets of the Body."

In this sense, it blamed both the current Municipal Corporation as earlier, citing the departments involved in this affair: Culture, Tourism, Heritage, Urban and of course Mayor's Office.

Do not want to miss the opportunity to "ask political responsibilities at the highest level."

Miguel Sanchez recalled that "the Party will Regionally who ask for the resignation of Chief of Heritage, the Director General of Culture, and could not be otherwise responsible number one Regional Culture and Tourism, Councillor, Pedro Alberto Cruz ".

The highlight of the debate came when UPyD spokesman, criticized the mayor to declare that the convent had never been the people, to which Miguel reminded him that "though the scriptures do not say, the heart of all caravaqueños if carried signing this endearing and darling Carmelite Monastery ".

Finally returned to remind the program item UPyD in the last local elections referring to the Convent and recovery for the people of Caravaca and the proposal recognized by the mayor of trying own "expropriate the BIC through a public fair value, as is happening in other locations and Spanish regions rules his own party. "

Source: UPyD Caravaca de la Cruz

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