The Conservatory of Music of Caravaca de la Cruz, which currently has over 800 students, wants to bring his teachings to society caravaqueña workshops for specific groups and the general public.
The project was presented today by the mayor, Domingo Aranda, accompanied by regional director Cajamurcia, Pedro Antonio Hurtado, and representatives of the Conservatory and special education centers and Apcom Ascruz.
The workshops begin next March with classes "Music and movement for special education", to be held in Ascruz and Apcom.
These workshops will aim to improve the affectivity and social integration of students, encouraging their creativity, confidence and self esteem through the enjoyment of music culture.
In addition, they will develop other workshops such as "music therapy" aimed at anyone interested in this artistic DISCOVER therapeutic practice that improves the degree of concentration and memory and reduce stress and tension.
Another workshop announced today is "Projecting the Voice", particularly aimed at teachers, and which techniques I work to prevent dysphonia and make good use of the breath, without unnecessary wear occurs vocal cords.
Moreover, in the press conference it was announced representation by students of the Conservatory's musical based on the popular encounter of "Thumbelina" on March 9 double at 11.00 and 13.00 in., and Celebration III Guitar Festival "City of Caravaca" the next 13, 14 and 15 March, with three concerts and master classes.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz