Open a pilgrimage route for cerretera following the Way of the True Cross is the goal it has set a group of members of the Association of Friends of the Bike Murcia (Bicimur), which these days is making the journey that unites Puente la Reina (Navarra) and Caravaca de la Cruz.
It is a project supported by the Department of Tourism of the City of Caravaca de la Cruz, with the sponsorship of the kits labeled with the image of the Holy Year 2017. "Last year Bicimur components made the Camino de la Vera Cruz paths and dirt roads and this time are designing a layout for paved roads in order to make attractive pilgrimage for cyclists largest number possible, "said the Councillor for Tourism and Culture, Maria Cruz Sánchez Pérez.
"We propose a new challenge: a pathway pilgrimage road to complement the existing rural roads Our goal:. Disseminate, promote and enhance the Camino de la Vera Cruz, with this new pilgrimage route," said the president of the Bicimur association, Mariano Vicente.
For this they are walking the miles between Puente la Reina, in Navarra, in Caravaca de la Cruz, Murcia, back roads, away as possible from the heavy traffic, connecting small towns and near the pilgrim to natural environments .
Are approximately 850 kilometers, divided into 7 stages pedaling.
Vera Cruz Road
El Camino de la Vera Cruz, based on historical references and Aragonese Templars flows, rests on important traditional routes linking different parts of the journey, spanning almost one hundred municipalities in the autonomous community of Navarre, Aragon, Valencia, Castilla-La Mancha and Murcia.
The Autonomous Community of Murcia, in collaboration with the City of Caravaca and the Brotherhood of the Vera Cruz, this road is driven as pilgrimage route linking Roncesvalles and El Camino de Santiago, at the height of the Navarra town of Puente La Reina, Caravaca de la Cruz.
This route, besides serving pilgrimage route, allows its use by others motivated by a cultural or sporting interest, which is a source of opportunities for socio-economic development of the territories through and for the recovery of their natural heritage and culture.
The mayor and elder brother of the Brotherhood of the Vera Cruz to receive components Bicimur arrival at the Real Basilica de la Vera Cruz.
- Day: Tomorrow, Friday, June 13
- Time: 11.00
- Location: Royal Basilica of the Holy Cross
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz