A total of 400 elderly in the municipality of Caravaca de la Cruz will participate this year in the 16 workshops have been held in the Social Centre for the Elderly in the locality.
The managing director of the Instituto Murciano Social Action (IMAS), Leopoldo Navarro, and the CEO of Seniors of the agency, Enrique Pérez Abellán visited today Social Center, where they had the opportunity to see the facilities and talk with members Board Participation.
The activities planned for this year, according to Navarro said, "are, as always, aimed at maintaining active seniors, in order to promote active aging as a way to prevent states of dependency and maintain mental, physical capabilities and of the biggest social. "
The Social Centre for the Elderly in Caravaca de la Cruz is located in a building with two floors.
On the ground floor there is a Day Service Center, while the first floor is reserved for activities and offices of the Social Centre.
Source: CARM