The council responsible for the area of ​​new technologies in the city of Caravaca de la Cruz, Salvador Gomez, met with property managers and aerial installers installers location to inform them of the changes that will occur in the distribution of television signals from the repeater "Caravaca I".
These changes are the result of the process of releasing the "Digital Dividend" promoted by the Ministry of Industry and aims to free up space to be earmarked for mobile last generanción 4G.
This will force certain television channel change.
Specifically, on Tuesday, will disappear from the Telecinco channel 38 and HD Boing chains that pass another channel, forcing residents of houses to retune the television and in the case of collective antennas neighboring communities will have an installer to adapt the receive channel to continue watching television affected.
Centers covering extension installed in The Moral and The Scrolls and the center "Caravaca II" will not be affected by these changes.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz