On Monday 20th October, two young lesbian girl and a gay guy, were assaulted in Caravaca de la Cruz, stoned and yelled with cries of "fagot", "dyke", "abnormal", three fanatics who turned out to be their classmates.
This episode occurred just outside the study center, and one of the stones thrown violent hit his head on the girl, who was unconscious on the floor and had to go to hospital.
From the Union of Communist Youth of Spain denounce this shameful and brutal homophobic aggression and lesbófoba occurred in the region of Murcia and DEMAND that immediate measures against the violence of the LGBTI-phobic are taken.
"As we have been denouncing for too long, attacks LGBTI people do not decrease, but on the contrary, continue to grow under the impassive gaze of those who govern us, that will never get the means to prevent it from occurring" denounces Carla Grau, Secretary UJCE Policy in the Region of Murcia.
Each time we are more lesbian, gay, transgender, bisexual and intersex we put at risk our physical safety in public spaces.
The Caravaca brutal episode demonstrates once again that the study centers are not equipped with the necessary measures to prevent, identify and respond to the aggressions of the tools that we are victims.
If public education is not geared to educate on sexual and gender diversity in the classroom if not the visibility of LGBTI identities are prioritized, we will be relegated to fear, silence, wardrobe and guilt.
Who impose laws based on a nacionalcatólica education, play with our lives.
Those who do not generate the routes to be educated in diversity and hate it address before it hits us, just with us.
The violence to which we face, not only in our institutes or faculties, but also in the gigs (if they have), in entertainment, or, in short, in any social and political space, forcing us to live in constant insecurity vital wondering who will be receiving the next stone.
We are not willing to keep holding this humiliating situation.
Nobody is going to fight for us.
They taught us to live our identity alone and afraid, but we will respond with organization and struggle.
Down with the capitalist system and hetero!
Source: UJCE Región de Murcia