The thirty unemployed who have become part of this plan working in fields Caravaca, the Incarnation, and Barranda Archivel
The City of Caravaca de la Cruz has initiated an employment strategy to asset recovery important archaeological sites of the municipality.
This plan is funded with 500,000 euros aid from the European Fund for Rural Development and the "Leader" program.
The implementation of this plan has involved the creation of 32 jobs.
Were hired during the nine months of construction 2 officers, 6 pawns specialized in archaeological digs and 22 ordinary laborers, working under the direction of two archaeologists.
The projects promoted by the City Council caravaqueño planned recovery of cultural heritage in four emblematic spaces Caravaca de la Cruz.
The sites selected are Paper Mills, site of more than 4,000 years old located in the town of Caravaca, the hermitage of La Encarnación, set Ibero-Roman temples and sixteenth-century buildings in the hamlet of La Encarnación, Cabezuela Roman castellum Barranda, and Cerro de las Fuentes Archivel, which houses a second Roman fort with Andalusian village.
Recovery projects of cultural heritage present three lines of action: Scientific Documentation from archaeological excavations;
consolidation and restoration of archaeological and monumental remains and enhancement and promotion of deposits, framed in a program of economic and social revitalization of Caravaca de la Cruz and the Northwest Region of Murcia.
In addition the program has completed a signage project the cultural heritage of Caravaca de Cruz, 81,000 euros budgeted and financed with European funds "Leader".
There have been over 300 people in the selection process.
Was considered essential to be unemployed in the critera of baremación regulated by the Municipal Employment Agency, taking preference those unemployed laga duration, from the construction sector, whose families have all members unemployed or receive little or no income.
Meanwhile, archaeological positions, responsible for implementing, coordinating and directing work with their staff, are also assessed training and professional experience in this field.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz