The Municipal UPyD Caravaca presented in the next Parliament a motion, which "aims to give voice" to many business and industrial caravaqueños come complaining of "mess" associated with not having a defined street names and well marked in Cavila industrial estate.
In this context, the spokesman and councilor training magenta in Caravaca, Miguel Sanchez, said that for years they are hearing complaints from various employers and workers in the industrial estates around "what it is poorly signposted, especially inside. "
"Many times," Sanchez continued, "it is difficult to find companies that develop their craft or professional activity" because "there are no street names, to facilitate a solution to this problem, more pressing among truckers, travelers , suppliers and even customers of this polygon.
Thus, the motion also urges that substantially improve the current internal signaling polygon, which now "is very poor and confusing".
Source: UPyD Caravaca de la Cruz