The area of ​​La Muralla Archivel has undergone in recent weeks to a project to improve scenic trails, which has been funded by the General Directorate of Environment and La Caixa, with the amount of 30,000 euros.
The project involved improving the conditions of the site, creating pedestrian paths and walkways, limestone flooring with wood protection, the network of canals and channels in this archivelero place.
It has also created a ladder based peatonalmente wooden steps to communicate the walking area with access to the surrounding urban area.
On the other hand, have been completed sections lacking talanqueras wood protection that can avoid the risk of falls and has defined the enclosure water birth.
"Given the nature and landscape use and the demands of the residents of the hamlet, was executed this work of improvement based furniture including tables, rustic benches and bins according to the environment", has detailed the Councillor for Environment, Antonia Maria Alvarez Jorquera.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz