Around 400 troops form the safety device because of the holidays the Blessed and Vera Cruz
The Government delegate, Joaquin Bascuñana, announced this morning the addition of seven new top job civilians Caravaca guards, which help to strengthen public safety coinciding with the upcoming of the festivities in a town where in first four months of 2015 the number of criminal offenses decreased by 18% over the same period of 2014 ..
Bascuñana, with the mayor, Domingo Aranda, has chaired the Local Safety Board, which has been studied and outlined the safety device on the occasion of the celebrations of the Blessed and Vera Cruz de Caravaca, which will consist of 400 officers from Guardia Civil and Local Police, whose relationship and coordination, said the delegate as security for citizens, is excellent
Source: Delegación del Gobierno en Murcia