Telecommunication engineer.
Triathlete |
Sporting values ​​arise not the sport itself, are not the same qualities but emerge from subjective judgments emitted by people who practice on the basis of the effects.
That is the conclusion we reached the famous German sociologist Klaus Heinemann, based on the basis of an empirical study, in one of his masterpieces.
That article, risky and innovative at the time, subsequently became the main reference for international scientists.
The motivation to face difficult challenges results in effort, sacrifice, discipline, demand, commitment.
All fundamental values ​​in our daily chores and that lead to the success and achievement of our objectives in any sphere of life.
Therefore, it becomes a fundamental duty to promote and encourage a sports education to ensure that future generations are rich in values ​​and are prepared and committed to any challenge they encounter throughout their lives.
In our town, we are fortunate to have more than 1300 children playing sports in local schools.
There are over twenty different sports disciplines, which puts us in the squad regional head as far as sporting activities are concerned.
Almost thirty federated clubs compete every weekend, taking the name of Caravaca across the entire national territory.
We have at our disposal the best professionals and are endowed with the best technical means as evidenced by the automation platform facilities reservation system implemented in the last legislature.
That said, it is evident that Caravaca do not need a comprehensive reform of the sports model although it is essential to redirect the course in some respects to adapt to a changing society.
Sport does not serve political ideologies, but to serious and reasonable proposals.
Our professionals must be qualified, not only in sports but also in education because, as has been demonstrated must represent the figure of the educator to serve as reference and becomes a mirror where to look younger.
For this we need a thorough follow-up, enhancing training and making available all necessary technical tools for this.
Young people are the jewel in this crown and at any time, under any circumstances, should prevail personal decisions affecting the common goal.
The different departments of the City should work in parallel, joining forces, enabling greater social impact, and significant financial savings.
In this sense, tourism, keystone in the economic livelihood of our city must offer a varied program, in which sports activities are directed toward the visitor and the landscape of the area to be our calling card abroad.
In terms of facilities it is essential to conduct a comprehensive plan for reforming them.
The plan should establish objective priorities, prioritizing the guarantor of security and allow then address each of the initiatives thus providing greater comfort and well-being of our tracks, pavilions, complexes, etc.
These days are worthy of praise the good economic managers, those with few resources are able to optimize reaching achieve significant profitability.
It must reinvent itself in this regard and we propose the creation of a new sports complex.
It is not just, that Caravaca become a place where sport shine in every one of its corners, also, nor is an empty concept to the gallery.
This is a serious and studied project that proposes to unify the working model in the accompanying facilities Street Olympics.
All of them can be unified allowing optimization of resources and substantial cost savings.
We would be talking about an area closed to traffic, with playgrounds and green areas, where young and old caravaqueños they can acquire the essential values ​​indicated at the beginning.
Last, but not least, it is vital to the immediate regulation of the process of financial aid to athletes, clubs, activities and / or sports organizations.
This process should be treated impartially, based on objective criteria always preset before, and which allows the planning of a season based on the achievement of the objectives, being able to set goals for the short, medium and long term.
The resolutions must be public since transparency is not only a demand of today's society but should be a moral and ethical duty for the political class.
Caravaqueños athletes must have facilities to reconcile his academic and athletic career by promoting sports sponsorship.
Also, private clubs have to feel the support of their institutions encouraging the support of the social mass and the private sector, thus putting all the will in obtaining a quality and efficient efforts.
As quoted Heinemann, sport does not instill values ​​but allows its momentum and spread.
It is essential that parents, educators and technicians work hand in hand to extract a positive and ethical values ​​that allow young people to practice healthy habits and continue making a city Caravaca national reference.
Source: PP Caravaca de la Cruz