IU-Greens propose to the Full Council of Caravaca de la Cruz, once the new corporation fruit of the municipal elections on May 24 to take possession, the village headman who are elected by the residents who live in those areas.
"You can still choose to pedáneos handpicked representatives. We representatives of the people, not political commissars" explained Juan Berbell and Luis Martinez, elected councilors left formation.
Berbell and Martinez have argued that the democratic election of village headman is one of the claims IU-Greens defended for years and therefore is contained in its election manifesto.
According to two separate mayors, the objective of the proposal is to "democratize public life in the villages and start a policy of citizen participation that mark the work of this legislature," besides giving prominence to the districts they deserve.
They have advanced IU-Green asked that the next mayor of the municipality to invite the headman to the political bodies where matters affecting a district in particular and all in general. Are addressed
Source: IURM