"SEO: Salesmanship more" is the title of the workshop that is given tomorrow, Wednesday June 24, at the Municipal Center for Employment, Training and Equality, located next to the garden of the Cejo.
The course registration for the remaining seats available, can be formalized through free and self www.cecarm.com/talleres Employment Centre (968 701100 and empleo@caravacdelacruz.es).
It is aimed at entrepreneurs, businessmen, self-employed, unemployed and general public.
Both the workshop held last week and which will take place tomorrow morning CECARM part of the 2015 project, funded by the Ministry of Finance and the European Funds for Regional Development (ERDF).
From the Department of Employment of the City of Caravaca this initiative that aims to improve digital skills and provide tools to start and position an internet business is based.
During the workshop "SEO: The art of selling more," three hours, the factors that influence positioning, SEO audit, the main positioning strategies, planning campaigns and video SEM positioning is analyzed.
The workshop will culminate in practical analysis and case studies about positioning of a website and a video.
It will be taught by Antonio Lopez (@ Elblog1SEO), founder of Elblogdelseo.com and Seostar.es.
Currently he runs projects worldwide positioning with customers such as Caritas, Lexland, DITT.Es Group Turbokit and co-author of one of the software's leading data protection at the national level: Noksol LOPD.
Antonio Lopez has over 12 years of experience leading projects Online Marketing and SEO Services.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz