The Municipal People's Party asked that the Council adheres to the regional commitment to citizen participation at the next regular plenary session in September with the aim of promoting processes and implement tools to enable the active participation of citizens in shaping public policy and government decisions.
The motion presented by the Popular Party for discussion and voting affects the local level is the reference point in the search for solutions to the various problems that occur therein and which directly affect its members, whose participation is considered a factor of unquestionable value in the shaping of different policies.
Approve a Code of Good Governance of the elected City Council, develop lists of services with annual commitments and performance indicators and urge the Autonomous Community to provide support and advice required for the creation of a municipal space in the Autonomous Portal Transparency and promote training activities in this area are some of the points that the People's Party calls on his initiative.
GMP spokesman Jose Francisco Garcia, explained that the 18 December 2014 Law of Transparency and Citizen Participation of the Autonomous Region of Murcia and was published in July this year has started processing the Decree regulating the Regulation of Citizen Participation for the Region of Murcia, whose wording is the result of a process that included a public consultation and telematics deliberative sessions with citizens and groups.
"In this context a specific title referred to the promotion of participation for local entities it regulates, reflecting the importance attached to the NPM establishment of channels for the involvement of civil society in public decision-making as well as transparency and accountability, "stressed Garcia.
"Participatory government favors the right of citizens to act actively in shaping public policy and allow them to benefit from the knowledge and experience of citizens and public policy results in quality," added the popular spokesman.
Source: PP Caravaca de la Cruz