The unification of the local sports area with a "defined, transparent and stable" project is the objective of the new motion by the Municipal People's Party for discussion and voting at the regular plenary session of September.
The proposal establishes the Popular Party as one of the measures to implement the necessary meetings to promote both sports schools and different private local associations working in the same direction, on one project, without duplication and with a pattern common work.
Also it called for enhancing the figure of the sports coordinators, which was removed a few days ago to restore it again, because their role in setting common goals in each area is essential.
"Four years ago a new sports project whose main objective was to promote values ​​such as companionship, effort and ability to work started in our town. Gone were years in which the purchasing power allowed us to enjoy in Caravaca plagued equipment large foreign athletes. The new project was more humble but had as top of the pyramid teams composed entirely of young caravaqueños formed in the municipal sports schools under common guidelines, "said the popular spokesman Jose Francisco Garcia.
"In recent weeks, we have taken a series of decisions from the Department of Sports that slow dramatically this progression in the field of football. First, the Peña Madridista Caravaca Caravaca Sports Association and broke relations avoiding thus a possible affiliation and cutting short the natural flow of players to the senior team once completed the formation stage. Second, allowing the opening of two parallel tracks of training from both associations, which forces students to disintegrate to early breaking the block formed from the early years, "added Garcia, who has stressed that the fundamental intention of this motion is" to work and make it work for young people of Caravaca have an enviable sports model, preventing personal interests take precedence in decision-making. "
Source: PP Caravaca de la Cruz