The Minister of Presidency, Maria Dolores Pagan, offered today to the Brotherhood of Vera Cruz and the City of Caravaca de la Cruz resources and precise coordination of Civil Protection, Security and Emergency to face the next Jubilee Year 2017.
Maria Dolores Pagan was speaking after a visit to the Basilica of the Holy Cross, in which he said that the proximity of this significant date, causing large numbers of visitors to the town, "may be a good opportunity to integrate Caravaca Cross in 112 as a remote service center using the corresponding cooperation agreement. "
"These agreements will allow an exchange of information in real time, through the shared use of the systems and the integration of information and communication devices," Pagan said.
The goal is for the ads and news of situations "are transferred quickly, safely and effectively to the different security and emergency services."
Inauguration of the Municipal Office of Participation
After a meeting with the municipal corporation, the Minister of Presidency opened, with the mayor of Caravaca de la Cruz, Jose Moreno, the Municipal Bureau of participation, transparency, Complaints and Suggestions born after conclusion of the First Meeting of Councils of Participation Citizens, organized by the Autonomous Community.
Pagan welcomed the very positive impact of dissemination events of the culture of citizen participation organized by the regional government, and announced that the City of Caravaca de la Cruz is one of the nearby towns to join the Regional Network of Municipalities for Citizen Participation, through the signature of the Regional public engagement.
Source: CARM