The City of Caravaca de la Cruz has a department for Citizen Participation and Transparency, an office customer service, enabled by the tour desk of the Plaza del Arco.
This service was inaugurated by the mayor of Caravaca de la Cruz, José Moreno;
accompanied by the Minister of Presidency of the Autonomous Community, Maria Dolores Pagan, and chairman of Transparency Murcia, Jose Molina.
"The service that we implement now will reinforce and extend the functions so far paid office Complaints and suggestions, as we consider a fundamental and priority issue forward in the areas of public participation and transparency," stated Jose Moreno .
He also stressed that "the municipalities, as next administration must be direct channels of participation. The neighbors play a key role for shaping policies and their voice should guide us in making decisions."
Among the objectives proposed in the short term is to put in place a register of associations;
make a territorial and sectoral map of Caravaca and start a volunteer project.
In addition to the opening of this office, the municipal government has created a council and a specific area of ​​Citizen Participation and Transparency led by the mayor Gloria Gomez, along with other measures already adopted as accession to the agreement by the transparency of the Spanish Federation Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP).
Also, in the near future the company will be effective between the Autonomous Community and the City's commitment to citizen participation.
The public opening hours of the Office of Citizen Participation, complaints and suggestions is Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8.30 to 11.00 and from 11.30 to 13.00.
Citizens can also contact this service by phone 968 70 20 00 (extension 1020) and 648 76 59 66, email chat service and the municipal website "Speak with the City online ".
Adherence to written on the occasion of the International Day of the Transparency manifesto and the Right to Know
After the opening of the office, the mayor of Caravaca de la Cruz and chairman of Transparency Murcia have signed the manifesto drawn to mark the International Day of Transparency and Right to Know in the presence of the Minister Maria Dolores Pagan.
According to the signed document, "in a democracy it is essential that citizens have access to public data of their administrations to participate in a real and effective manner on issues that affect them."
The manifesto also reflected "the obligations of governments to publish and distribute information on what they are doing different government agencies as well as to receive and respond to requests for information from citizens, because access to information is a human right fundamental.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz