The popular deputy in the Regional Assembly and the Municipal People's Party spokesman in Caravaca have offered a press conference inside the 100-day campaign to explain the measures taken and achievements made in the beginning of the legislature
The popular deputy in the Regional Assembly for the constituency of the West, Victor Martinez-Carrasco, and the Municipal People's Party spokesman in the city of Caravaca., José Francisco Garcia, have offered a press conference on the occasion of the one hundred days of the government chaired by Pedro Antonio Sanchez, who "have been one hundred days for the future of Murcia, one hundred days of courageous decisions and reformist with a new way of doing politics based on dialogue and the negotiating capacity".
Martinez-Carrasco stressed the proximity of the regional government with citizens and added that this campaign 100 days "is the time to stand up, to explain, to tell what we have dedicated to the results of this new form of politics, because the pace of work is hectic in the Assembly and we are taking very beneficial measures for citizens. "
During the hearing the PP regional deputy has reviewed some of the decisions most prominent at the start of term, emphasizing the reduction of inheritance tax and gift tax benefits in Culture and Sports, the expansion of the Decree on Drought and commitment Mariano Rajoy of lowering the desalinated water.
He also recalled the agreements for the arrival of the AVE, multiannual funding for public universities and the agreement with the unions to ensure the working conditions of public employees.
It has also highlighted the recovery measures and transparency in this new stage.
Referring to measures from the regional government have been taken to Caravaca Martinez-Carrasco stressed the firm commitment of the Jubilee Year 2017 make a dynamic factor of the local and regional economy, recalling concrete actions such as the recent visit of Secretary of Caravaca the World Tourism Organization and the meeting of Director
Murcia Tourism of the Galician Economy to establish contacts with the Holy Year of Compostela.
Europan project also highlighted that the Ministry of Public Works is planning a large area in the old town.
For his part, José Francisco Garcia has made a general assessment of the first months of legislature in Caravaca under the socialist government, highlighting the position responsible, constructive, serious and rigorous of a completely renovated Municipal People with enthusiasm and new forms of politics.
The spokesman itself has stated that this constructive spirit will not be condescending or warmth synonymous with the work of the government team.
The spokesman made the review of motions in these first full highlighting urge the General Directorate of Land Registry to a revision of cadastral values ​​that are reflected in a decrease of IBI asking the municipal government and the guy does not rise tax when this decline occurs;
another motion to bet on a unified and stable for local sport after the swings experienced during these months and always thinking about the training of young people and children and the request to complete the pilgrimage route de la Vera Cruz project.
Likewise, Garcia alluded to the economic situation of the City, noting that "if it is not extraordinarily good, is similar to that of many municipalities in Spain, where revenues have been depleted dramatically by an enormous crisis," spokesman He has yielded two pieces of information about this financial situation: cash count made in the handover of 3.2 million euros and the surplus of the corresponding municipal accounts for the year 2014 of 4.4 million euros.
"This shows that the issue of debt is used as self-protection of the government team at the lack of confidence in their ability," added the popular spokesman.
The spokesman has also referred to some failures of the government team, "as its promise of dialogue to all political parties to govern in minority and first thing they did was to provide the Department of Finance to Izquierda Unida in order to obtain a majority comfortable to isolate the votes of the PP. "
Garcia has also cited the failure to hold audit "because as we have always defended the PP is something illegal and that makes day-to-day services for municipal intervention".
As for the policy of citizen participation it has said that the local government "sold smoke" because the power demonstrate transparency with the democratic election of village headman has refused and that actions in this area have been implemented has been promoted the regional government.
Jose Francisco Garcia has dismissed the government team of lacking own initiative and not to streamline many of the works provided for in the Investment Plan which were endowed economically and are key works in the case of many districts and the city center.
Finally he said that they will continue taking a political initiative based on positive proposals and not considered unfair to the government team that the opposition hold few meetings and considers necessary to directors, general managers and other officers of the regional administration, "because it is always Caravaca working for. "
In this regard he added and stressed that "José Moreno is my mayor and has my loyalty."
Source: PP Caravaca de la Cruz