Like other municipalities, the new administration of the City of Caravaca de la Cruz, headed by Mayor Jose Moreno Medina, has completed the first 100 days in office.
During the three months that have elapsed since the plenary session of constitution of the Municipal Corporation, all councilors have undertaken with dedication, energy and efficiency the tasks corresponding to respective management areas.
This work has been reflected in a series of initiatives and projects that have been made since last June.
These are some of the most significant actions that have already been implemented or will begin to be realized during the next year 2016:
July 1, the first Social Dining and summer school attended by 40 students, aged between 3 and 12 years, which has guaranteed a full and healthy food to children whose families suffer serious economic hardship began.
Accession to the Convention on Transparency in FEMP, showing a new way of understanding the right of citizens to access public information was passed.
In Culture, the first initiatives were the return of the Open Air Cinema, with great acceptance of the public in the summer caravaqueño, that demonstrate the desire of cinema that existed in the area and will return shortly to the Teatro Thuillier.
Traffic Plan will be developed to facilitate mobility, driving the construction of several roundabouts to replace existing traffic lights.
Recently opened the Department of Citizen Participation and Transparency and the new Office of Complaints and suggestions.
Tourism, Caravaca de la Cruz was represented in the Italian Bergamo Fair to promote the Jubilee Year 2017, as a destination for religious tourism, where contact with tour operators from Italy and Poland were established.
He also visited the Royal Basilica of the Holy Cross Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization.
As for livestock, it has begun operating a Shepherd School in the hamlet of Archivel.
It works as to build a Halt Bus, for the thousands of visitors expected during the coming years and major rehabilitation activities in the walls of the Castle and the Royal Basilica will be undertaken.
In terms of traffic it is to modify the blue area to reduce schedules and streets affected, in addition to reducing tariffs.
Adapting Municipal Emergency Plan, which has not been updated since 1993. An agreement with the Northwest Emergency Service will also be signed to coordinate the county Civil Protection resources.
In the districts of the large municipal caravaqueño it will take place a Plan of Improvement of Rural Roads.
In the area of ​​employment, is going to launch a Plan for Entrepreneurship to support business initiatives arising in our town, as well as contribute to the promotion of the social economy: employment program Youth Guarantee, mixed employment program for unemployed , during cleaning of open space and industrial facilities and creating a maintenance of public spaces.
In the economic area, from 2017, a process of citizen participation in the financial management of the municipality by which all residents can collaborate in the development of Participatory Budgeting to decide on the fate of municipal resources be established of expenditure and investments.
It will carry out an audit of regularity, both the City Council and municipal corporations to determine their suitability for the financial accounting principles applicable to it and fix if it has complied with the law in the management of public funds .
But three months is a short time for compliance with the electoral program, the government has returned to caravaqueños socialist period is too short to achieve the tasks, but valuable tool for citizens to know the conditions in which the new corporation We have found the municipal institution.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz