The plenary ordinariness of October submitted for debate and voting twelve of the sixteen points contained in the agenda concerning various matters of interest.
First, was approved unanimously on the initiative of the government team proposed to sign with the Autonomous Community on "Commitment to Citizenship", a document that includes several points of agreement for the active participation of citizens in public life and in the political decision-making.
Then the motion that the Municipal Group of Citizens requested the modification of the current model of regulated parking area (ORA) was addressed.
All the groups represented at the table of the plenary expressed their support for the proposal and, in the words of Councillor for Citizen Security and Traffic, Pedro Antonio Muñoz, "a commission be created to review the contract and study the most beneficial formula for citizens and less costly for the City. "
Also it received the unanimous support of the whole proposal Citizens urge the regional government to include their budgets necessary for the implementation of an intensive care unit (ICU) in the Northwest Regional Hospital games.
In the fifth item on the agenda it was approved, with the favorable vote of all political groups, the motion filed by the Municipal Group to launch a program of guided visits to the archaeological sites of the municipality and retake the city program guided route to the villages and countryside of Caravaca.
Moreover, also got the green light to the proposal from Citizens for plenary sessions to be broadcast online through the municipal website and its subsequent location in said portal.
Also it was approved the motion raised to plenary from popular lines to urge the regional government to initiate immediately the necessary for the purchase and supply of a team of computed tomography, also called CT to the Regional Hospital of Northwest administrative procedure .
The initiative presented by the Municipal Group of Izquierda Unida on creating modules in public schools regarding employment sectors of the local economy was approved by the affirmative vote of the Socialist government team, Citizens and United Left Party and the non- the popular council.
The other two motions proposed by the United Left on measures to promote clean transport, such as cycling and public transport buses, and on the establishment of new indicative and informative panels achieved the support of the different forces policies.
The proposal by the Socialist government team to urge the Council of Presidency of the Autonomous Region to commit to the transfer of the Regional Fire Station to a new location, situated on the outskirts of the city, in an area close to the motorway Northwest, it was adopted unanimously.
This proposal also picked apply to all municipalities in the Northwest Region to join this initiative and file motions in their respective municipalities in this regard.
From the ranks of the Socialist Party approved the signing of the agreement between the City and the Federation of Emergency Services Northwest (SEN) to assist in the coverage of sports, cultural, festive or preventive nature acts was also raised when the Municipal Association of Volunteers of Civil Protection does not have sufficient means and resources to address them.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz