The Conservatory and School of Music 'Leandro Martínez Romero' celebrate Christmas with various activities that will begin tomorrow, Tuesday, December 15, at 20.00, with the concert of the Chamber Music Orchestra in the convent the Carmelite Fathers.
The programming will continue on 16, with the staging of "The Nutcracker" representation which premiered last April with a great public success.
In this adaptation of classical ballet with music by Tchaikovsky, will involve 80 students and students of dance.
The Nutcracker will be held at 20.30 pm in the theater Thuillier, and the entrance fee is three euros.
The seats can be purchased in New Jewelry and an hour before the start of the performance, at the theater box office.
The Department of Education allocated the full collection of the show to the local branches of Caritas and the Red Cross for the food bank and address the needs of families experiencing financial difficulties.
On Thursday, 17, it will be the turn of the String Orchestra, which will perform at 20:00 pm in the theater Thuillier.
On 21, at 19.00, students learning method 'Suzuki' show in the theater Thuillier the skills learned this system of learning violin.
Caravaqueño conservatory is a pioneer in the implementation of the 'Suzuki' method, based on the musical ability is not an inborn talent, but a skill that can be, just as children develop the ability to speak their mother tongue, training from an early age with his parents.
The closure of the Christmas activities of the Conservatory and the Professional School of Music will be provided by the group of trombones "The Cross Consort" on Tuesday, 22, at 20.00, in the convent of the Carmelite Fathers.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz