Portal de Caravaca de la Cruz


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Open enrollment period in'Martes: when cuento' and Creativity Workshop Library (26/01/2016)

The Department of Culture of the City of Caravaca de la Cruz, through the Municipal Library, new activities program for the promotion of reading from an early age.

Specifically, the term is open enrollment 'Tuesdays: The time story' and Creativity Workshop.

'Tuesdays: story time' is a new fun and educational activity to be held weekly.

Registration is free and seating per session is limited to 20 children.

During the month of February, we will proceed to the staging of the fairytale 'The zebra Camila "(from 18.15 to 18.45, for children aged 4 to 8 years), and' The Dragon and the Butterfly" ( from 19.00 to 19.30, for children aged 9 to 12 years).

Moreover, this February will start the second edition of the creativity workshop, also free and aimed at children aged between 7 and 9 years.

The aim of both activities is to acquaint children, in a fun and participatory way, with characters, plots and values ​​contained in the literature.

For more information and registration, interested parties should go to the counter at the Municipal Library in the House of Culture Emilio Sáez '.

Literary Contest Albacara

The Department of Culture has called the Literary Contest "Albacara" among students in the Northwest Region and Rio Mula.

Three modes of participation are established: students of 1st and 2nd year of Secondary, 3rd and 4th of Secondary and 1st and 2nd of Baccalaureate.

Jobs that attend the competition must be unpublished and original, in the categories of fiction or poetry.

The works can be submitted until June 20, via e-mail, mail or in person at the Municipal Library.

The complete rules are available for inspection at http://albacara16.blogspot.com.es.

The awards ceremony and the new call date are linked to the festivities of the Virgen del Carmen and John of the Cross, July 14 and December 14 respectively.

The City of Caravaca de la Cruz convenes annually this event with the aim of promoting a taste for literature among children and young people and promote new values ​​in this field.

The origin of the competition is linked to the Community of Discalced Carmelite Fathers.

The awards "Albacara" with nearly half a century, are one of the young literary competitions most traditional of Spain.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz

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