The Youth Council of the City of Caravaca has launched a new initiative called ArteJoven-Caravaca with which it aims to support young local artists, creating links between them and promote their work.
This is a competition which will select four young people aged between 16 and 19, who express concern in areas of art such as painting, sculpture, drawing, photography, video and literature, between others.
The prize is a trip for one week and costs paid to Lapua (Finland) to attend the youth meeting WOA-Week of Art in the Youth in Action Programme, launched by the European Union.
Furthermore, it has scheduled an exhibition with all the papers submitted to the contest.
The mayor of Youth, Antonia M ª Álvarez, highlighted today at the launch of this new program "that art is a good tool for young people to express their worries, concerns, desires, becoming a language of their own particular."
Artejoven-Caravaca with opening a new line of work to bring culture and art caravaqueña population.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz