Nice game and not without emotion that has witnessed the lively Saturday morning at the Pavilion Juan Antonio Corbalan, between Caravaca de la Cruz 2010 and Racing San Vicente, in what can be considered the final meeting between the team and its fans, who again have a large presence, prowling the 200 spectators in the stands caravaqueño.
In the first period, the owner of the ball was set caravaqueño, although the consistency in defense of the opponent, at the same time his quick cons, which produced the set of Javier Jiménez not be trusted at any time.
Well, without going any further in the first minute Abel pulled from under the sticks the ball, Juan Luis and beaten, a Juan Luis who stopped a double penalty at the end of this period, reaching the end of it with 0-0 in electronics, the result of this intervention.
But in the second half, everything went the other way, then just start it, Stephen won 1-0, but the visitors equalized shortly.
With the tie to one, was sent off the visitor Pitu, and from that moment, the quality soccer shoes caravaqueñas room began to pick fruit in the form of goals, which were falling like a waterfall over the goal authentic visitor , finally being three goals from Esteban, who continues as top scorer in the team, two from France and one of Juandi Guzman.
With the score 6-1 in the team was
fired amid applause, as it deserves to be the runner to a single point behind the leader.
The next day, the court will visit the competition leader, L'Ollería that in this day Aspe has won 2-6, while Abarán which occupies the third position to a point of caravaqueños also adds a new victory Alcoy to win by 0-3.
It picks up the leading group Plastics Romero, by drawing on the flag to five with racer.
Source: Caravaca de la Cruz 2010 FS