The Board of Governors of the City of Caravaca, meeting in the morning in regular session, has agreed to undertake appropriate action to the signing of a cooperation agreement between the cities of Murcia through which they run traditional pilgrimage routes. This initiative aims to promote links between the municipalities involved and enhance the Holy Year 2010 through the transmission of information, support for tourism products, the celebration of student exchanges and projects for economic development and other activities .
Moreover, the Board of Governors has agreed to extend the cooperation agreement between the city of Caravaca Man Project Foundation to continue the service that has provided in the city.
Under this agreement the departments of Health, Youth and Social Development funded the activity develops a team of therapists at the Center for Care of Drug Addicts in Caravaca.
Finally, it has given the green light to a letter of support to be sent to public administrations, institutions and associations in the region to gain support for the Feast of Barranda crews get the declaration of National Tourist Interest Holidays.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz