The Religious Choral Music Encounter Caravaca, organized jointly by the Ministry of Culture, the City of Caravaca and Choir Arsis, acquires its tenth anniversary international character thanks to the participation of The Third Day Choral, one of the best choirs Ireland.
The meeting program was presented today by the Councillor for Culture, Maria Cruz Pérez, and components of the choir Arsis, Fina and James Covos Botia, who have ensured that the meeting has become one of the best in Spain.
Following the pattern of previous editions, the representation will also find local, regional and national levels.
Locally, in addition to the Choir Arsis, attend the Choir of the Basilica Shrine of the True Cross, consisting of about fifty white voices of children and adolescents aged between 8 and 19 years.
"Although its main activity is the singing on Sundays of each month at the Basilica to enhance the solemnity of the liturgy, have also acted in other churches within and outside our region, as in the Basilica of the Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial ", he pointed out the mayor of Culture in reference to the Choir of Vera Cruz.
Regional representation will come from the hand of 'Vocal Cluster', a choir formed by a group of young choral experience focuses on the interpretation of contemporary music.
Communication between choir and audience is one of the characteristics that distinguish the projects' Vocal Cluster. "
At the national level will participate 'The workshop Coral Phonos' consisting of 14 amateur voices, 3 sopranos, 2 mezzo-sopranos, 2 high, 3 tenors, 2 bass and 2 barínotos aged between 21 and 39 years.
Valladolid This workshop focuses its work in choral music from the XV and XXI, paying particular attention to sacred and secular works.
The international chorus is 'The Third Day Choral', which will arrive in Ireland, under the direction of Marie O'shea.
This training came in 1975 during some very turbulent times in Northern Ireland, when many choir singers from churches of different denominations gathered in North Dublin to play the oratorio 'The Messiah' by Handel as a positive statement of solidarity with communities of other traditions.
Closing the local chorus Arsis cartel, which act led by Manuel Arnaldo.
The choirs will participate in a common song on 28th March at 20.00 pm at the church of El Salvador and a sung mass on the 29th at 12.00 in the Basilica de la Vera Cruz.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz