The City of Caravaca de la Cruz was released today a new tourist site, , through which one can learn in a simple manner the various attractions that the municipality.
The site, translated to English, French and German, is divided into different sections with multiple photographic resources, virtual and audiovisual on the Holy Year 2010, the range of catering and accommodation and other tourist itineraries, among many other aspects.
The head of the municipal area of Tourism, Gonzalo López-Auguy, explained today that the new website is one of the actions being undertaken to improve and increase the presence of Caravaca de la Cruz on the Internet.
"In recent years the promotion of tourism is undergoing major transformations due to the development of new communication technologies.
Since the City Council are aware of this and therefore we will work for the Holy Year have a good position in the network, "the councilor stressed during the presentation of the new page.
The website also provide detailed information on museums, monuments, festivals and natural beauty, has a space dedicated to the municipality's offer of accommodation and catering establishments and a section that lists the different routes to reach Caravaca de la Cruz.
In total, the site includes 19 videos, 7 of them a virtual one, and over 500 photographs.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz