Caravaca Mall runs along the Carretera de Murcia.
It has high landscape value, being linked to the input image to the city and is a fundamental view from the Castle.
It is one of the only avenues left in the region, together with Barranda, consisting of plane trees, which highlights its great size and age as well as the vision of a whole, they constitute the largest mass along the urban green to be protected.
As indicated by the previous General Plan 82 and, specifically, the present PGMO includes an inventory of monumental trees of the municipality, among which are the plane trees of the Highway of Murcia (but do not appear Barranda).
As security measures are established, among others, the following:
"1 - logging is prohibited or transport (whether before or transplanting plaster mechanics) of all specimens included in the catalog.
2 - The pruning, if deemed necessary, should be addressed by a qualified technician "
3 - movements precludes any land within 15 m of the trunk. "
Furthermore, the landscape value which together represent both the Alameda de Caravaca and in this case also the entrance to Grove Barranda, are within the CATALOGUE OF PLACES OF SPECIAL INTEREST LANDSCAPE of PGMO, where it is collected that will, among other things: "Maintaining proper landscaping.
Signaling to prevent traffic accidents. "
On the other hand, the previous General Plan, the General Plan, attached particular importance to the Alameda de Caravaca since even expected you to become an urban promenade, once the variation on the old railway track.
As for his protection, had to be a supplementary list of tree items, although during the term of the Plan none of the above took place.
For Barranda, if it is currently envisaged the diversion of the road avoiding the problem of trafficking and may allow limited use of it.
The situation that we are now is that, despite everything, municipal officials have been showing a keen interest in protecting these trees and the result is that some of his specimens have been repeatedly threatened by both abusive pruning without technical standards, an issue that has been reported, for other types of uncontrolled aggression that have led to the loss or substantial impairment of trees.
To make matters worse, this year has made one of the worst performances on the two malls, without clear technical direction, both the number of trees affected, and the type of irregular cuts made that have caused countless tears, surfaces staggered cut and chipped, exaggerated cross sections, etc., which will worsen in the short term the bad and the loss of more copies.
It must be said that this action was carried out at the time that is considered appropriate because they were cutting branches until the second week of March, when the trees are beginning to sprout.
Intending to prevent a repeat of these actions, the Municipal Socialist Group filed a motion in Parliament in order to carry out a maintenance plan of both the Alameda de Caravaca, and the entrance to Barranda Grove, just a year ago, which was rejected by the government team to believe that it is within their competence, something I totally disagree with the view of the provisions of PGMO.
We therefore believe that the responsibility lies with the Department of Environment, which we understand the Mayor's delegation has the power to authorize or not those actions that do not comply with the provisions of the General Plan, being a figure of protecting local regardless of them having to issue reports from other agencies.
In this respect we demand that appropriate responsibilities are purged if the Department has authorized this action or failing to transfer him to the Highways Agency to find out who authorized this and how we call nonsense.
Also require appropriate to correct, as far as possible, those cuts poorly made, and have performed the treatment plant that always come under technical direction to avoid greater evils.
Source: Grupo Municipal Socialista de Caravaca