Portal de Caravaca de la Cruz


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detail of Caravaca de la Cruz


The Youth Council held a summer camp in Las Nogueras Nerpio (06/07/2009)

The campsite The Nerpio Nogueras has been part of camp for children organized by the city of Caravaca within the Summer Youth program.

Over a week, a dozen children participated in various activities of leisure and educational workshops focusing on the history and heritage Nerpio.

During the stay in the town Albacete children also have time to get started in sports such as hiking, climbing, flying fox.

"The camp is one of the traditional activities of summer programming and is intended for children to enjoy a few days away from home, starting in leisure activities and assume responsibilities related to hygiene and organization," remarked Councilwoman Young, Antonia Maria Alvarez.

Throughout the summer there are other activities such as International Labor Camp at the site of the Cerro de la Fuente Archivel, summer schools and workshops on computer and climbing, among others.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz

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