The series "A Barranda moon" during the summer was held at the Museum of Ethnic Music Barranda, closes this Saturday, September 5, with a concert tribute to Mari Trini.
The show, which will be borne by the musicians Golf Session will begin at 22.30 and entry is free until all seats.
This concert is a tribute to one of the leading artists born in Caravaca de la Cruz.
Mari Trini, native of the village of Singla, died last April at age 61, after the harvest of a long and successful career with over 25 albums released.
In the seventies and eighties reached its greatest hits with songs like "I must say" or "I'm not that", becoming one of the best female voices of Spain.
According to data provided by the management of "A Moon Barranda, 10,000 people have gathered in the courtyard of the Museum of Ethnic Music Barranda to attend some of the shows that have shaped this year's cycle, doubling the figure achieved last summer.
Throughout the cycle by the museum's courtyard stage of musicians have passed the likes of Soledad Jiménez, Martyrdom and Graham Foster.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz