Murcia The delegation was composed by fifteen young people, including José María López Oñate (Secretary General of Socialist Youth of Cehegín and Isabel Soriano (Department of International Politics, Diversity and Intercultural Relations of Socialist Youth of the Region of Murcia) representing the region Northwest.
Socialist Youth of the Region of Murcia (JSRM) participated last weekend at the Second Forum of Social Movements JSE held in Valladolid, which brought together more than 300 people in Spain and which pushed for the contract for young scientists to Minister for Science and Innovation, Cristina Garmendia, sources socialists.
Thus, the JSRM actively participated in various debates, stressing the importance of the new Law of Sustainable Economy, the State Youth Employment plans, the guidelines of the national education agreement and the necessary agreement with the researchers to be to replace the fragile system of grants.
The Forum of Social Movements JSE, which held its second edition, whose main objective is to create a space for discussion and sharing of initiatives between the young Socialists and the main social groups in our country are FELGTB International Solidarity MPDL, Cana UGT, Greenpeace, or Faest, among others.
Thus, throughout the meeting took place in various debates over tables where the Socialist Youth of the Region participated presenting proposals for the role they must play the regions in socio-economic policies to overcome the crisis by betting new economic model based on science, innovation and technological development.
Equality, educational pact, employment and training, diversity and immigration, the environment and climate change, culture and ICT, and civil rights were the topics for discussion.
Indeed, the delegation of Murcia, raised a number of initiatives to the Minister for Science and Innovation, Cristina Garmendia, in relation to the role of innovation for a new production model.
Source: PSOE Caravaca de la Cruz