Three schools in Caravaca de la Cruz have been selected to be part of the "Classrooms of XXI Century" will be launched as a pioneer in the Region of Murcia after Easter.
Specifically, this project of implementation of information technologies and communication students will participate Primary School and Holy Cross Secondary students Gines Perez Chirinos and Archivel Oróspeda.
This program, presented by the Minister of Education, Constantine Sotoca, including the provision of infrastructure to the classroom, which will have wireless Internet, training teachers and coordinators, as well as the design content of all subjects of fifth Primary and secondary first from digital books with interactive resources.
Also, be installed in all classrooms attached to the program a digital whiteboard, a computer for the teacher and laptops for all students.
Classroom XXI program will be implemented this year in forty schools on a pilot basis and, depending on the results, will be extended in the coming years as other schools in the region.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz